Albert Benton Garringer
M, b. 18 April 1867, d. June 1953
Birth | Albert Benton Garringer was born on 18 April 1867 in Ohio.1 |
(son) Census1880 | Albert was listed as a son in Albert T Garringer's household on the 1880 Census in Silver Creek Township, Greene County, Ohio.2 |
Marriage | Albert Benton Garringer married Jennie Johnson.1 |
Death | Albert Benton Garringer died in June 1953 at age 86.1 |
- Gerringer - Garringer Family to America in the Mid 1700's.
- 1880 United States Federal Census.
Albert T Garringer
M, b. 21 March 1834, d. 6 September 1923
Birth | Albert was born on 21 March 1834 in Fayette County, Ohio.1,2,3 |
(household member) Census1850 | Albert was listed as a household member living with David Garringer on the 1850 Census in Wayne Township, Fayette County, Ohio.4 |
Marriage | He married Angeline Little in Fayette County, Ohio, on 31 October 1858.1,3 |
Census1880 | Albert was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Silver Creek Township, Greene County, Ohio. His occupation was given as farmer.5 |
Death | Albert died on 6 September 1923 in Greene County, Ohio, at age 89.1,3 |
- Gerringer - Garringer Family to America in the Mid 1700's.
- David Garringer (3) Family Bible.
- Descendants of George Diether Geringer.
- 1850 United States Federal Census.
- 1880 United States Federal Census.
Albert Weldon Garringer
M, b. 9 September 1869, d. 3 December 1869
Birth | Albert was born on 9 September 1869 in Randolph County, Indiana.1,2 |
Death | Albert died on 3 December 1869 in Randolph County, Indiana.2 |
- Gerringer - Garringer Family to America in the Mid 1700's.
- Descendants of George Diether Geringer.
Albert Wesley Garringer
M, b. 18 July 1891, d. April 1962
Birth | Albert was born on 18 July 1891 in Indiana.1 |
Marriage | He married Margaret May Karns circa 1910.2,1 |
Census1930 | Albert was listed as the head of a family on the 1930 Census in Monroe Township, Randolph County, Indiana. His occupation was given as salesman ofr a Ford garage.3 |
Marriage | He married Goldie Lemon.2,1 |
Death | Albert died in April 1962 in Delaware County, Indiana, at age 70.1 |
Burial | His body was interred in Randolph County, Indiana, in Woodlawn Cemetery.1 |
- Descendants of George Diether Geringer.
- Gerringer - Garringer Family to America in the Mid 1700's.
- 1930 United States Federal Census.
Alexander Garringer
M, b. 23 January 1824, d. 27 August 1901
Birth | Alexander was born on 23 January 1824 in Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio. Hambrock cites Delaware County, Ohio as the birth place.1,2 |
(household member) Census1850 | Alexander was listed as a household member living with Benjamin Moore Garringer on the 1850 Census in Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana.3 |
Marriage | He married Elizabeth Bonnell in Jay County, Indiana, on 24 November 1850.4,2 |
Census1860 | Alexander was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana. His occupation was given as farmer.5 |
Census1870 | Alexander was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana. His occupation was given as farmer.6 |
Census1880 | Alexander was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana. His occupation was given as farmer.7 |
Census1900 | Alexander was listed as the head of a family on the 1900 Census in Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana. His occupation was given as farmer.8 |
Death | Alexander died on 27 August 1901 in Jay County, Indiana, at age 77.9,2 |
Burial | His body was interred in Bluff Point Cemetery, Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana.2  |
- Milton T. Jay, History of Jay County, Indiana.
- Descendants of George Diether Geringer.
- 1850 United States Federal Census.
- Index to Marriage Record, Jay County, Indiana 1850-1920, Inclusive, Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938.
- 1860 United States Federal Census.
- 1870 United States Federal Census.
- 1880 United States Federal Census.
- 1900 United States Federal Census.
- Index to Death Records of Jay County, Indiana, 1882-1921, Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.