Polly Bonne
F, d. 1802
Birth | Polly was born in Harwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts. |
Marriage | She married Daniel Kent on 8 February 1801. |
Death | Polly died in 1802 in Whitingham, Windham County, Vermont. |
Aaron Bonnell
M, b. 30 March 1749, d. 18 March 1814
Birth | Aaron was born on 30 March 1749 in Morris County, New Jersey. |
Marriage | He married Ann Brotherton in Morris County, New Jersey, on 18 April 1772. |
Death | Aaron died on 18 March 1814 in West Bethlenem Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, at age 64. |
Elizabeth Bonnell
F, b. 24 September 1827, d. 26 November 1899
Birth | Elizabeth was born on 24 September 1827 in Pennsylvania.1 |
Marriage | She married Alexander Garringer in Jay County, Indiana, on 24 November 1850.2,1 |
Census1860 | Elizabeth was listed as a household member living with Alexander Garringer in the 1860 Census in Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana.3 |
Census1870 | Elizabeth was listed as a household member living with Alexander Garringer on the 1870 Census in Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana.4 |
Census1880 | Elizabeth was listed as Alexander Garringer's wife on the 1880 Census in Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana.5 |
Death | Elizabeth died on 26 November 1899 in Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana, at age 72.6,1 |
Burial | Her body was interred in Bluff Point Cemetery, Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana.1  |
- Descendants of George Diether Geringer.
- Index to Marriage Record, Jay County, Indiana 1850-1920, Inclusive, Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938.
- 1860 United States Federal Census.
- 1870 United States Federal Census.
- 1880 United States Federal Census.
- Index to Death Records of Jay County, Indiana, 1882-1921, Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.
Emeline Bonnell
F, b. 19 September 1886, d. 21 April 1914
Birth | Emeline was born on 19 September 1886 in Jay County, Indiana.1 |
Marriage | She married James Sherman Garringer in Jay County, Indiana, on 7 February 1906.2,3,4,1 |
Residence | Emeline, as James Sherman Garringer's wife, resided with him his occupation was given as farmer., in Section 16, Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana, in 1910.5 |
Death | Emeline died on 21 April 1914 in Jay County, Indiana, at age 27.1 |
Burial | Her body was interred in Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana, in Antioch Cemetery. |
- Descendants of George Diether Geringer.
- Index to Marriage Record, Jay County, Indiana 1850-1920, Inclusive, Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938.
- Garringer Family History.
- Gerringer - Garringer Family to America in the Mid 1700's.
- L. S. Burkett Directory Company, A Complete Directory And A Brief History Of Jay County, Indiana.