Stanton Earl Garringer
M, b. 8 March 1902, d. 1919
Birth | Stanton was born on 8 March 1902 in Randolph County, Indiana.1 |
(child) Residence | Stanton, David Levi Stanton Delaughter Garringer's child, resided with David his occupation was given as farmer., in Section 14, Madison Township, Jay County, Indiana, in 1910.2 |
Death | Stanton died in 1919.1 |
- Descendants of George Diether Geringer.
- L. S. Burkett Directory Company, A Complete Directory And A Brief History Of Jay County, Indiana.
Stephen Garringer
M, b. 1 January 1876, d. 1958
Birth | Stephen Garringer was born on 1 January 1876 in Ohio.1 |
(son) Census1880 | Stephen was listed as a son in Albert T Garringer's household on the 1880 Census in Silver Creek Township, Greene County, Ohio.2 |
Death | Stephen Garringer died in 1958.1 |
- Gerringer - Garringer Family to America in the Mid 1700's.
- 1880 United States Federal Census.
Stephen C Garringer
M, b. 17 April 1844, d. 8 February 1923
Birth | Stephen was born on 17 April 1844 in Fayette County, Ohio.1,2,3 |
(household member) Census1850 | Stephen was listed as a household member living with David Garringer on the 1850 Census in Wayne Township, Fayette County, Ohio.4 |
Marriage | He married Rebecca Ann Borton on 22 March 1865.1,3 |
Census1880 | Stephen was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Wayne Township, Fayette County, Ohio. His occupation was given as farming.5 |
Death | Stephen died on 8 February 1923 in Fayette County, Ohio, at age 78.1,3 |
- Gerringer - Garringer Family to America in the Mid 1700's.
- David Garringer (3) Family Bible.
- Descendants of George Diether Geringer.
- 1850 United States Federal Census.
- 1880 United States Federal Census.
Tamar Ann Garringer
F, b. 3 May 1838, d. 18 November 1905
Birth | Tamar was born on 3 May 1838 in Ohio. |
(household member) Census1850 | Tamar was listed as a household member living with David Van Garringer on the 1850 Census in Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana.1 |
Marriage | She married George Marshall Rathbun in Jay County, Indiana, on 11 July 1859.2,3 |
Census1880 | Tamar was listed as George Marshall Rathbun's wife on the 1880 Census in Hendricks Township, Chautauqua County, Kansas.4 |
Death | Tamar died on 18 November 1905 in Sedan, Chautauqua County, Kansas, at age 67. |
- 1850 United States Federal Census.
- Index to Marriage Record, Jay County, Indiana 1850-1920, Inclusive, Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938.
- Descendants of George Diether Geringer.
- 1880 United States Federal Census.
Thelma Ebona Garringer
F, b. 2 October 1909, d. 17 March 1911
Birth | Thelma was born on 2 October 1909 in Randolph County, Indiana.1 |
Death | Thelma died on 17 March 1911 in Green Township, Randolph County, Indiana, at age 1.1 |
Burial | Her body was interred in Monroe Township, Randolph County, Indiana, in Hopewell Cemetery.1 |
- Descendants of George Diether Geringer.