Tabitha Fysch
F, b. 1633
Birth | Tabitha was born in 1633. |
Richard Fyshe
M, b. 1500
Birth | Richard was born in 1500 in Great Bowden, Lanacashire, England. |
Marriage | He married (?) (?) in Great Bowden, Lanacashire, England, in 1530. |
Thomas Fyshe
M, b. 1535, d. 4 January 1570
Birth | Thomas was born in 1535 in Leicestershire, England. |
Death | Thomas died on 4 January 1570 in Leicestershire, England. |
Calista B Gabriel
F, b. circa 1845
Birth | Calista B Gabriel was born circa 1845 in New York. |
Marriage | She married Lewis Gaylord Phinney on 31 December 1859.1 |
Census1870 | Calista was listed as a household member living with Lewis Gaylord Phinney on the 1870 Census in Reading, Schuyler County, New York.2 |
- Howard Finney, Finney-Phinney Families in America; Descendants of John Finney of Plymouth and Barnstable, Mass., and Bristol, of Samuel Finney of Philadelphia, Pa., and of Robert Finney of New London, Pa.
- 1870 United States Federal Census.
John Paul Gaffney
M, b. 1 November 1894, d. circa 1970
Birth | John was born on 1 November 1894 in Lincoln, Illinois. |
Marriage | He married Fannie Sedekum on 4 December 1915. |
Death | John died circa 1970. |