Joshua Finney
M, b. 11 May 1716, d. 29 May 1716
Father | Joshua Finney b. 7 May 1689, d. 1781 |
Mother | Martha Carter b. 11 Feb 1690/91, d. 14 May 1751 |
Birth | Joshua was born on 11 May 1716 in Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts. |
Death | Joshua died on 29 May 1716. |
Last Edited | 8 Jul 2003 |
Joshua Finney
M, b. 24 February 1723/24
Father | John Finney b. 15 Aug 1696, d. 6 Jun 1773 |
Mother | Ann Toogood b. 1690, d. 11 Aug 1776 |
Birth | Joshua was born on 24 February 1723/24 in Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts.1,2 |
Last Edited | 26 Sep 2004 |
- Howard Finney, Finney-Phinney Families in America; Descendants of John Finney of Plymouth and Barnstable, Mass., and Bristol, of Samuel Finney of Philadelphia, Pa., and of Robert Finney of New London, Pa.
- H. L. Peter Rounds, Vital Records of Swansea, Massachusetts to the year 1850.
Josiah Finney
M, b. 11 January 1661
Father | John Finney b. 15 Mar 1604 |
Mother | Elizabeth Bailey b. 9 Feb 1633/34 |
Birth | Josiah was born on 11 January 1661 in Barnstable, Barnstable County, Massachusetts.1,2 |
Marriage | He married Elizabeth Warren in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, on 19 January 1688.1 |
Will | He made a will in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, on 2 January 1723. Josiah's will is still in the probate files at Plymouth. "In the name of God amen I Josiah Finney of Plymouth in the County of Plymouth in New England yeoman Being of a disposing mind and memorie blessed be God and Calling to mind my one mortality Do maike this my Last will and Testament in manner and form following in the first place I Commit my soul into the hands of God that gave it me; and my Body to the grave with a Decent Christian buriall att the discrestion of my Executor. And as to that worldly Estate that God hath Geven me I dispose of it in this manner. "Imprimass I Give and Bequeath unto my Loveing son Robert Finney his heirs and assynes for Ever, all that seventy ae(res) of land where he now Dwells also a thirty eight acre lot near ajoyning to sd seventy acres; and all my meadow and meadowish ground above the uppermost Damm att a Place Called finneys meadow with one quarter part of my wright in the Beach. "Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Loveing son Josiah Finney one third part of the farm or homestead where I live In Quantety on that side that is Next to Captaine Mortons to him and his heirs and assignes for Ever with one quarter part of my Right in the Beach. "Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Loveing son John Finney his heirs and assigns for Ever one third part of my farm or homestead where I live in Quantety next to his Brother Josiah with the south westermost End of my Dwelling house and half my Barn (onely some reserves for Joshua) his heirs or assignes for Ever also I give to my son John my Negroman; he paying twenty pounds to his Brother Joshua. "Item I give and Bequeath unto my Loveing son Joshua Finney his heirs and assignes for Ever the other third part of my farm or homestead where I Live in Quantety; also half my Right att the Beach. also my twenty five acres of upland together with all my meadow and meadowish Ground att a place Called small ganes. also the North Eastermost End of my Dwelling house with half my Barn and a Right in my well and Convenience of away to said house from his land and to said (well) with a suteable Conveniancy of land to lay wood near the do(or) and the Priviltdg of away and in the well and of said land to continue so long as the house Continues and no longer also twenty pounds to be paid to him by his Brother John Finney as aforesaid. "And my will is that all the Resedue of my land with my meadow and meadowish ground att finneys meadow below the uppermost Damm and all my Ceader swamps with my Quarter part of the Grist mill and the Dwelling house belonging to said mill I Do give and Bequeath unto my three sons Josiah John and Joshua to them and their heirs and assignes Respectively, (In Equal Parts) for Ever. "Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Loveing Daughter Phebe Finney the sum of forty five pounds to be paid out of my movable Estate by my Executor. "And all the Residue of my movable Estate after all my Just Debts are Paid and funeral charges my mind is that it be Equally Devided between my three Loveing Daughters (viz) Elizabeth Bradford, Precilah Marshall and Pheby Finney or their heirs. "And lastly I Do Nominate and apoint my Loveing son John Finney my sole Executor to this my last will and testament Hereby Revokeing and maiking null and voide all other and former will or wills or Codicels by me made and ratifieing and holding firm and stable this my last will and testament; and no other, and In Confirmation hereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal this second Day of January annoque Domini 1723. Josiah Finney (seal) Signed sealed and Declared to be the last will and testament of Josiah Finney abovesaid before uss witnesses James Barnebe Haviland Torrey Francis Adams. |
Marriage | He married Mercy Ford in Marshfield, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, on 14 September 1726.3 |
Probate | Josiah's will was probated in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, on 2 January 1727. |
Family 1 | Elizabeth Warren b. 15 Aug 1662 |
Children |
Family 2 | Mercy Ford |
Last Edited | 30 Jan 2004 |
- Howard Finney, Finney-Phinney Families in America; Descendants of John Finney of Plymouth and Barnstable, Mass., and Bristol, of Samuel Finney of Philadelphia, Pa., and of Robert Finney of New London, Pa.
- Records of Barnstable, Massachusetts, Dunkle, Robert J. (Transcriber), The New England Historic Genealogical Society, 101 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116, 2001.
- Clifford L Stott, "The Finney Family of Lenton, Nottinghamshire and Plymouth, Massachusetts", 148, 315.
Josiah Finney
M, b. 29 January 1688, d. 19 September 1692
Father | Josiah Finney b. 11 Jan 1661 |
Mother | Elizabeth Warren b. 15 Aug 1662 |
Birth | Josiah was born on 29 January 1688 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts.1 |
Death | Josiah died on 19 September 1692 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, at age 4.1 |
Last Edited | 24 Sep 2003 |
- Howard Finney, Finney-Phinney Families in America; Descendants of John Finney of Plymouth and Barnstable, Mass., and Bristol, of Samuel Finney of Philadelphia, Pa., and of Robert Finney of New London, Pa.
Josiah Finney
M, b. 9 October 1698, d. 7 September 1783
Father | Josiah Finney b. 11 Jan 1661 |
Mother | Elizabeth Warren b. 15 Aug 1662 |
Birth | Josiah was born on 9 October 1698 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts.1 |
Marriage | He married Abigail Bryant in Plympton, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, on 13 December 1722.1 |
Death | Josiah died on 7 September 1783 in Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, at age 84.1 |
Family | Abigail Bryant b. 5 Jul 1703 |
Last Edited | 25 Sep 2003 |
- Howard Finney, Finney-Phinney Families in America; Descendants of John Finney of Plymouth and Barnstable, Mass., and Bristol, of Samuel Finney of Philadelphia, Pa., and of Robert Finney of New London, Pa.