Barbara Boots
Birth | Barbara was born. |
Marriage | She married William Archer in Fayette County, Ohio, on 15 August 1816. |
Elizabeth Boots
F, b. 1 September 1798, d. 1877
Birth | Elizabeth was born on 1 September 1798 in Hardy County, Virginia.1 |
Marriage | She married Alexander Garringer in Fayette County, Ohio, on 13 August 1818.2,3,1 |
Census1850 | Elizabeth was listed as the head of a family on the 1850 Census in Howard Township, Howard County, Indiana.4 |
Death | Elizabeth died in 1877 in Putnam County, Missouri.5 |
Burial | Her body was interred in Saint John's Cemetery, Putnam County, Missouri. |
- Descendants of George Diether Geringer.
- David Garringer (2) Family Bible.
- Gerringer - Garringer Family to America in the Mid 1700's.
- 1850 United States Federal Census.
- David Garringer (3) Family Bible.
Garrett (Stieffel) Boots
M, b. 1765
Death | Garrett died in Fayette County, Ohio. |
Marriage | He married Elizabeth Peterson. |
Birth | Garrett was born in 1765 in Virginia. |
Jamima Boots
F, b. 1794
Birth | Jamima was born in 1794. |
Marriage | She married Daniel Culver in Fayette County, Ohio, on 25 December 1817. |
John Boots
M, b. 25 February 1788, d. 7 March 1855
Birth | John was born on 25 February 1788. |
Marriage | He married Rhoda Ann Mann in Fayette County, Ohio, on 28 July 1816. |
Death | John died on 7 March 1855 in Blackhawk County, Iowa, at age 67. |