Mary E Bodle
F, b. 1857
Birth | Mary was born in 1857 in Indiana. |
(household member) Census1860 | Mary was listed as a household member living with Richard Bodle in the 1860 Census in Logan Township, Fountain County, Indiana.1 |
- 1860 United States Federal Census.
Richard Bodle
M, b. circa 1832, d. 5 January 1864
Birth | Richard was born circa 1832 in Indiana.1 |
Marriage | He married Amanda Garringer in Howard County, Indiana, on 15 October 1856.1,2 |
Census1860 | Richard was listed as the head of a family on the 1860 Census in Logan Township, Fountain County, Indiana. His occupation was given as day laborer.3 |
Milit-Beg | He began military service on 9 August 1863 as a member of Company D, 118 Indiana Infantry Regiment. |
Death | Richard died on 5 January 1864 in Camp Nelson, Jessamine County, Kentucky.1 |
- Descendants of George Diether Geringer.
- Howard County, Indiana, Index to Marriage Records 1844-1920, Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.
- 1860 United States Federal Census.
Abraham Bogardus
M, b. 19 October 1825, d. 1917
Birth | Abraham Bogardus was born on 19 October 1825 in New York. |
Marriage | He married Frances Coal in 1900 in New York. |
Death | Abraham Bogardus died in 1917 in New York. |
Ernest Leroy Bogardus
M, b. 10 July 1882, d. 15 December 1967
Birth | Ernest Leroy Bogardus was born on 10 July 1882 in Pennsylvania. |
Death | He died on 15 December 1967 in Cuba, Allegany County, New York, at age 85. |
Examer Bogardus
M, b. December 1860, d. 1935