Miriam B Sanborn1
F, b. 1806, d. 27 July 1874
Birth | Miriam B Sanborn was born in 1806.1 |
Marriage | She married James Phinney, son of John Phinney and Susanna Stone, on 12 October 1834.1 |
Census1850 | Miriam B Sanborn witnessed the Census 1850 - Free of Miriam B Sanborn and James Phinney; In this census, the surname was spelled Phiney.2 |
Census1860 | Miriam was listed as a household member living with James Phinney in the 1860 Census in Gorham, Cumberland County, Maine.3 |
Census1870 | Miriam was listed as the head of a family on the 1870 Census in Gorham, Cumberland County, Maine. In this census, the surname was spelled Phinny.4 |
Death | She died on 27 July 1874.1 |
- Howard Finney, Finney-Phinney Families in America; Descendants of John Finney of Plymouth and Barnstable, Mass., and Bristol, of Samuel Finney of Philadelphia, Pa., and of Robert Finney of New London, Pa.
- 1850 United States Federal Census.
- 1860 United States Federal Census.
- 1870 United States Federal Census.
William Sanborn
M, b. 8 August 1799, d. 14 October 1864
Birth | William Sanborn was born on 8 August 1799. |
Marriage | He married Hannah Tobey in Machiasport, Washington County, Maine, on 31 March 1823. |
Death | William Sanborn died on 14 October 1864 in Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, California, at age 65. |
Amy G Sanborne
F, b. 4 June 1869
Birth | Amy G Sanborne was born on 4 June 1869 in New Hampshire. |
(daughter) Census1880 | Amy was listed as a daughter in Leroy Sanderland Sanborne's household on the 1880 Census in Kensington, Rockingham County, New Hampshire.1 |
Marriage | Amy G Sanborne married John Inglee Phinney, son of William Henry Phinney and Emma Jane Inglee, circa 1895. |
Census1900 | Amy was listed as John Inglee Phinney's wife on the 1900 Census in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.2 |
Census1910 | Amy was listed as John Inglee Phinney's wife on the 1910 Census in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.3 |
Census1920 | Amy was listed as John Inglee Phinney's wife on the 1920 Census in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.4 |
Census1930 | Amy was listed as John Inglee Phinney's wife on the 1930 Census in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.5 |
- 1850 United States Federal Census.
- 1900 United States Federal Census.
- 1910 United States Federal Census.
- 1920 United States Federal Census.
- 1930 United States Federal Census.
Leroy Sanderland Sanborne
M, b. 28 March 1841
Birth | Leroy Sanderland Sanborne was born on 28 March 1841 in East Kingston, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. |
Marriage | He married Ellen M Stevens on 10 November 1864. |
Census1880 | Leroy was listed as the head of a family on the 1880 Census in Kensington, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. His occupation was given as farmer.1 |
- 1850 United States Federal Census.
Charlotte Sandals
F, b. circa 1775
Birth | Charlotte Sandals was born circa 1775. |
Marriage | She married Samuel Phinney. |