John Kingswood
Marriage | He married an unknown person . |
Rebecca Jane Kinney
F, b. circa 1859
Birth | Rebecca Jane Kinney was born circa 1859 in Pennsylvania. |
Marriage | She married Abraham Bennett on 13 August 1878. |
Census1880 | Rebecca was listed as Abraham Bennett's wife on the 1880 Census in Pine Township, Columbia County, Pennsylvania.1 |
- 1880 United States Federal Census.
Joanna Kinnicutt
F, b. 1669, d. 30 November 1739
Birth | Joanna was born in 1669 in Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island.1 |
Marr Int | Marriage intentions for Joanna Kinnicutt and Jonathan Phinney were published on 18 October 1682 in Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island.1 |
Death | Joanna died on 30 November 1739 in Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island.1 |
Burial | She was buried in Kickemuit Cemetery, Warren, Bristol County, Rhode Island. |
Will | She left a will in 1740; On 17 June, 1740, "Mr. John Kinnicut of Swanzey .... Cordwainer" was appointed administrator on the estate of Ms Joanna Finney Late of Swanzey ... Deceased ... Intestate"
An inventory of "the Goods Chattels, Rights, and Credits of Joanna Finney late of Swanzey ... Widdow Deceasd" was taken, at Swansea, 23 June, 1740, by "Messeurs" Peres Bradford, Richard Harding and Barnard Haile. No real estate was mentioned. "A Gold Necklace" was valued at 4 pounds, 3 shillings. The total amount of the inventory was 202p, 9s. 6d.
The inventory was sworn to by John Kinnicutt administrator, 15 July, 1740.
"Each Childs portion in pr (Personal Estate) "to goods to Joanna Clark" 23p,16s.8d; "to goods to Elizabeth Luden" 23p, 16s. 8d; "to Goods to Hopestill Poter" 23p, 16s. 8d; "to goods to Mary Clark" 23p, 16s. 8d; "to goods to Mercy Phiney in right of her two children as her late husbands double portion of his mothers estate being in pr" 47p, 13s. 4d. |
- Howard Finney, Finney-Phinney Families in America; Descendants of John Finney of Plymouth and Barnstable, Mass., and Bristol, of Samuel Finney of Philadelphia, Pa., and of Robert Finney of New London, Pa.