Albert Hines
M, b. 23 January 1914, d. 1935
Birth | Albert was born on 23 January 1914 in Jay County, Indiana.1 |
Death | He died in 1935. |
Burial | He was buried in Bluff Point Cemetery, Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana. |
- Index to Birth Records, Jay County, Indiana, 1882-1920, Inclusive, Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938.
Alfred Hines
M, b. 25 January 1903, d. 24 February 1903
Birth | Alfred was born on 25 January 1903. |
Death | Alfred died on 24 February 1903. |
Andrew Hamilton Hines
M, b. 1858, d. 1937
Birth | Andrew was born in 1858 in Ohio. |
Marriage | He married Sarah Angeline Garringer in Jay County, Indiana, on 21 August 1879.1,2,3 |
Census1920 | Andrew was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Franklin Township, Randolph County, Indiana.4 |
Death | Andrew died in 1937. |
- Index to Marriage Record, Jay County, Indiana 1850-1920, Inclusive, Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938.
- Gerringer - Garringer Family to America in the Mid 1700's.
- Descendants of George Diether Geringer.
- 1920 United States Federal Census.
Ara Hines
M, b. March 1893, d. 4 March 1968
Birth | Ara was born in March 1893 in Indiana. |
Marriage | He married Coral Armstrong.1 |
Census1920 | Ara was listed as the head of a family on the 1920 Census in Pike Township, Jay County, Indiana. His occupation was given as farmer.2 |
Death | Ara died on 4 March 1968. |
- Gerringer - Garringer Family to America in the Mid 1700's.
- 1920 United States Federal Census.
Arthur A Hines
M, b. 13 August 1880, d. 23 May 1957
Birth | Arthur was born on 13 August 1880 in Indiana. |
Marriage | He married Jesse Evans on 19 March 1903.1 |
Census1920 | Arthur was listed as a patient on the 1920 Census in Wayne Township, Wayne County, Indiana. He was in the Eastern Indiana Hospital for the Insane.2 |
Death | Arthur died on 23 May 1957 at age 76.1 |
- Gerringer - Garringer Family to America in the Mid 1700's.
- 1920 United States Federal Census.