Harriet Newell Nye1
F, b. 15 June 1818, d. 7 May 1857
Birth | Harriet Newell Nye was born on 15 June 1818 in Falmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts.1 |
Marriage | She married William Lewis Phinney, son of Ebenezer Phinney and Mary Lewis, in 1836.1,2 |
Census1850 | Harriet was listed as a household member living with William Lewis Phinney on the 1850 Census in Falmouth, Barnstable County, Massachusetts.3 |
Death | Harriet Newell Nye died on 7 May 1857 at age 38.2 |
- Oliver B. Brow, Vital Records of Falmouth, Massachusetts to the year 1850.
- Howard Finney, Finney-Phinney Families in America; Descendants of John Finney of Plymouth and Barnstable, Mass., and Bristol, of Samuel Finney of Philadelphia, Pa., and of Robert Finney of New London, Pa.
- 1850 United States Federal Census.
John Nye
M, b. circa 1771
Birth | John Nye was born circa 1771 in Barre, Worcester County, Massachusetts. |
Marriage | He married Hannah Pope in New Braintree, Worcester County, Massachusetts, on 18 February 1796. |
John P Nye
M, b. 5 October 1857
Birth | John P Nye was born on 5 October 1857 in Sandwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts.1 |
(son) Census1880 | John was listed as a son in George B Nye's household on the 1880 Census in Sandwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts.2 |
- Caroline Lewis and Russell A Lovell Kardell, Vital Records of Sandwich, Massachusetts to 1885.
- 1880 United States Federal Census.
Joshua Nye
Marr Int | Marriage intentions for Joshua Nye and Mary Briggs (?) were published on 10 October 1818 in Sandwich, Barnstable County, Massachusetts.1 |
- Caroline Lewis and Russell A Lovell Kardell, Vital Records of Sandwich, Massachusetts to 1885.